
Assets: 300+
Min. Trade: $1
3 Days payouts
*Rate of return: 100%

Assets: 250+
Min. Trade: $1
1 Day Payouts
*Return Rate: 92%


Assets: 250+
Min. Trade: $1
1 Day Payouts
*Return Rate: 92%


Assets: 250+
Min. Trade: $1
1 Day Payouts
*Return Rate: 92%

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Ayrex is a fairly new binary options firm, going live with their platform in 2014. Their main selling points are customer service and innovative technology. They claim the platform has “no lags, freezes or hiccups”. In terms of customer service, they aim for fast payouts, clear promotions and no closing of trader deposits. Brand by Advanced Binary Technologies Ltd., based in Saint Kitts is operated.

One of the main attractions of Ayrex is the registration free, demo account. The full platform can be used with demo funds – real prices, real assets – whatever Without the need to register or supply contact details. Ayrex is so confident in their platform, they’ve opened it up to any trader, absolutely free.</span > Currently the firm is unregulated but has applied for CySec and are looking to have that in place before the end of 2016. Despite the lack of regulation, the company enjoy a reputation for good customer service.

Important information for Ayrex

  • ayrex demo account – Yes.
  • minimum deposit – $ 5
  • minimum trade – $ 5
  • signaling service – Yes.
  • Bonus Details – 30% deposit match. Terms apply, but the bonus can be canceled at any time.
  • Mobile App – Yes. ‘Ayrex for android’ and ‘Ayrex for iOS’ versions.

ayrex trading platform

The Ayrex trading platform offers a traditional trading area, with all necessary data available to traders. The platform is not much different from other brokers, but the layout is clear and easy to use . Merchants will have some complaints about usability.

The left side of the trading area shows the price chart for the currently selected asset. The time frame can be modified, and there are buttons that allow the trader to return to specific points in time. will do – eg up to date quotes. Users can zoom in and out to reflect larger or smaller timeframes. It can also be placed between display types (Area or Candlestick).

The trading buttons are on the right hand side of the platform. The types of options are listed at the top of the screen. Ayrex offers ‘ Short Term ‘, ‘ High / Low ‘ and ‘ One Touch ‘ binary option types.

Below is a list of these asset types. Grouped by category (stocks, spot FX, equity indices and commodities). Traders Assets You can open each category to show a full list. The asset lists in Ayrex are comprehensive, and more importantly, assets are always available, showing that Arex has a good trading volume on its platform.

After an asset is selected, the price chart on the left will display the new data. The trading buttons will also update. This is just the asset are on the left side of the list. The trader can modify the trade size and expiration time with the fields above the Call and Put buttons. The potential payoff is shown above the ‘Buy Option’ button – labeled ‘Results’, and the current strike price is also displayed above the trade size box, and then on the price chart. As a trader moves the cursor over the ‘Call’ or ‘Put’ button, the price graph will display the direction the price needs to move (in green). This reduces the risk of error in trading.

Once the ‘Buy Options’ button is clicked, the trade will appear in the ‘Open Positions’ window, which sits below the trading button. View history of trades that have been expired, settled and closed. There are also ‘News’ and ‘Signals’ pages, which provide traders with other trading information Let us help you stay up to date on options.

All perform very well across all trading platforms. It’s not cluttered, but still shows all the right data. A A potential improvement could be if the platform was more configurable – perhaps giving the ability to trade more than one asset at a time on a single screen.

Ayrex asset list and business type

Ayrex offers three types of binary options:

  • short term – Binary options with short expiration times, typically 5 minutes or less (up to 30 seconds).
  • superior inferior – Standard binary. Ayrex expires every 15 minutes, up to one hour.
  • One Touch – Ayrex offers touch and no touch options on both the top and bottom levels. On occasion “No Touch” may be unavailable, and ‘ ‘One Touch’ is generally only available on the major forex pairs.

Ayrex has a great asset listing. All the major forex pairs are listed, plus a full range of stocks and indices.

Trade sizes on Ayrex range ($5 up to $1000), and the general ‘feel’ of the site suggests that Ayrex manages risk very thinly. Relatively For new brokers, it is also likely that they will add further asset and option types as they see higher levels of traders and trading volumes. So if traders range or ladder options, it may not have to wait long before they are added to the Ayrex platform.

Ayrex for Android and iOS


Ayrex payouts are great, reaching up to 85% for popular assets. As always, payouts will vary by asset, and expiration time, but most Ayrex is competitive with other firms on assets. One touch payouts are a strength, with up to 80% for both touch and no touch trades.

Ayrex Withdrawal

Withdrawals will take 3 days to process. A broker like Ayrex will always need some time to comply with money laundering laws. An important point to keep in mind is that Ayrex will pay back the source that made the original deposit. Traders should take note of this when making the initial payment.

Where deposits are made via more than one method, Ayrex will rate any withdrawals across deposit methods used. same). Merchants can make one free withdrawal per calendar month. Subsequent withdrawals will be subject to a processing fee for that payment. Will pay a commission on the basis.

Deposits can be made with Neteller, Skrill, Visa, FastPay and Union. When a deposit is made, the trader is given 10% to choose the level of their bonus up to 30%. Deposits will be subject to terms and conditions including turnover requirement before withdrawal. Merchants should consider the trading volume and frequency they want, and then which bonus level will work best for them – without changing their trading style. Timings can be cancelled.

other features

  1. Contests – Ayrex runs regularly, free to enter, merchant contests, with prize money available. There are 3 rounds a week, with 8 winners and $3600 in prize money. Demo account users can also enter the ‘Binary Blast’ contest at no cost.
  2. $30 Bonus – Ayrex offer a no deposit bonus as an alternative to deposit match, offering traders $30 to trade She goes.

Ayrex no deposit bonus

  • $30 no deposit bonus
  • 3trade through 0 times bonus
  • Withdrawals up to $200
  • Traders are still free to enter the Ayrex contest
  • Traders must enter a deposit method ($10 payment) to withdraw the deposit amount

Although the profit that can be withdrawn is capped at $200, Ayrex effectively gives new traders a $30 trade. This offer is still Open to those who have already opened an account – as long as they have not made a deposit, or received any other bonuses. To take advantage of the offer For this, traders need to visit the specific no deposit bonus landing page.

During the promotion, there will be some small differences to the standard screen in the trading area. The maximum trade is for $30 and the deposit/withdrawal buttons are removed until the turnover criteria are met. .